“مولانا کا احمدی حضرات کا ”بائيکاٹ
Recently Maulana had a heart trouble and needed angioplasty. The operation was carried out successfully in a private hospital in Lahore by Dr Mubashar Ahmad who came especially from US for this purpose. Ironically Dr Mubashar Ahmad is an Ahmadi! Here (in Urdu) is the news that puts it this way;
Maulana who would not accept Ahmadis at ”Qaleedee” (key) posts in Pakistan is quite happy to entrust his own life in the hands of an Ahmadi. Also Maulana who would normally advocate boycotting Ahamdis in every sphere, is in no mood of boycotting this Ahmadi when Maulana’s own benefit is involved. Lucky for the doctor, Maulana survived…or it would have been another Qadiani conspiracy.“وہ (يعنی مولانا) ایک ایسی جماعت کے سربراہ ہیں جو احمدیوں کے خلاف مہم چلانے والوں میں پیش پیش ہے لیکن وہ اپنا علاج اسی مسلک سے تعلق رکھنے والے معالج سے کراسکتے ہیں۔”
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