After Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Burma, now Indian army is also flapping it’s wings to have a coup and “discipline” the Indian people. Indian army’s inroads in the political arena through BJP and some of the hawks in Congress are all too visible. Their involvment in the riots and terrorists activities, manipulation of politicos and technocrats, increasing lust for power and pelf and spying on the political leaders has made it just matter of time before Indian army takes over the reigns of India.
The days of world’s biggest and most failed democracy are numbered. The failure of Indian politicians to bring in harmony and peace within the country’s diverse ethnicity and to bridge religious divides is only due to the Indian army’s bid to ignite and incite the hatred between religious and ethnic factions.
Mumbai Attacks were just part of that chain. By using elements in Pakistan, Austria, Spain, Middle East and largly in India, Indian army and its intelligence agencies proved once again that politicians of India are incapbale of protecting and managing the country of over one billion people. No one in India is blaming military or intelligence outfits, rather only politicians are getting the blame and its only politicos and lameducks who have resigned.
This is not to be forgotten that the first causality of Mumbai terror attacks was Hemant Karkare, who investigated attacks on Musllims in Malegaon and traced the link to Indian army colonel Purohit, who in active service organized attacks on samjhota express as well as Malegaon bombings. All those Hindu terrorists organizations VHP, RSS, BD and others receive direct training, funding and orders from Indian army.
Mir Jamilur Rahman is right when he says that
Indian army chief
Gen Deepak Kapoor said that surgical strikes are very definitely feasible militarily. He has not mentioned it, but the target in his mind is Pakistan. Of course, surgical strikes are feasible if there is no possibility of reprisal. Gen Kapoor wins popularity by making such outlandish statements. His ambition is to become the first military dictator of India and Pakistan is the vehicle that will carry him there. He wants to discipline the Indians to make them worthy rivals of Chinese: A task which the politicians could not accomplish.
That is why Indian should see through the wall of hatred and bias towards Pakistan and defeat the forces of darkness and terror by joing hands with Pakistani people to combat the terrorism. That is why hawks and bullies must be discouraged and scolded and sanity must prevail.
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