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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Smokers’ Corner: Loose cannons

In countries where democracy hasn’t had the time to strike root in political institutions and the social psyche, there is always the danger of it becoming a backdoor sanctuary for mobs of intolerant thugs who are the first ones to start misusing democracy’s many principles — especially freedom of speech.
Interestingly they use this principle to attack democracy and when confronted they throw up their arms, pleading that they have the democratic right to express their opinion — even if that opinion is about glorifying notions of authoritarian rule, and having a mindset that smacks of political chauvinism and puffed up notions of social and religious bigotry. Now the question arises, is democracy really about such free-for-all scheme of things?
My answer would be a resounding no. Democratic principles come attached with an important condition. This condition is about owning and demonstrating a strong sense of responsibility, no matter what spectrum of political thought one comes from. For example, an individual in a democracy should be taken to task if he publicly preaches hatred or bigotry. However, he should be largely tolerated if he decides to run for an election and then airs his beliefs in an elected parliament because there he will be up against an instant counterargument.
The point is that this way a voice of hatred will eventually soften its stance, or more so, the democratic process will prove that this voice was no more than a part of the lunatic fringe no matter how demagogic it may have sounded outside parliament. That’s the corrective beauty of democracy.
What I am getting at is that in Pakistan where democracy has always been a stern struggle, we have to keep a concerned eye on the lunatic fringe that (mainly through the mainstream electronic media), is having a ball with the whole democratic notion of the freedom of speech and expression.
Obviously, this fringe, largely made up of certain TV personalities, conspiracy theorists, politicians and televangelists, may have been able to find applause from within some of the country’s malcontented drawing rooms, but they remain largely demagogic and focused on attacking democracy – either as being a western/Zionist construct or ‘anti-Islam.’ They haven’t paid their dues to be able to use freedom of expression because they operate well outside the democratic process.
What is offered as an alternative by these people is nothing more than lofty Utopian arrangements weaved together from a largely mythical understanding of religious and Pakistani history in which certain prominent historical figureheads, from leaders to sages, are spun into becoming glorified hate-mongers. These distorted examples are then presented as a so-called proof that faith and Pakistan are historically not compatible with liberal democracy.
Such men and women shake impassionedly on the mini-screen; they sweat, shout, wring their hands and clench their fists, pleading at the top of their voice the meaning of ‘true patriotism,’ and ‘Islam’ and how both Pakistan and Islam are in danger of being infiltrated, adulterated and eventually obliterated by some very strange sounding ‘lobbies.’
The biggest irony perhaps is that it is this fringe that itself is the most obvious lobby. A lobby of men and women pleading and shouting is a clear indication of their fear of populist democracy and how this democracy can render them and their ideas obsolete. This is Pakistan’s version of the ubiquitous lunatic fringe — great software for mainstream TV channels and something for certain sections of the urban classes to vent out their permanent existentialist frustrations, and that’s about it.
The democratic government of the day and the parliamentarian opposition know that this fringe has little or no popular roots in the figurative masses. But since such groupings have become mainstream media mainstays, it has to be asked exactly how much can be tolerated of them in their self-righteous attacks on parliamentarianism and liberalism and their habit of turning demagogic fiction into ‘historical fact?’
Of course, they are more than welcome to make use of democratic principles and notions such as freedom of speech while operating outside the hard-fought democratic process, but they should not be allowed to do so without first understanding the responsibility aspect that comes attached to this democratic notion. More than the government, I think the onus lies in this respect on the TV channels that put a number of such loonies in front of the camera.
Interestingly, even though these animated folks have not been able to grow any worthwhile roots among the ‘common people’ as such, thanks to their media presence, they most certainly have got going in finding fans and believers from amongst certain sections of the middle-class – from shop-keepers to fashion designers, to former rock stars, born-again yuppies and assorted businessmen.
Here is where the democratic forces of the country should get concerned because, in the past, it has been sections of the well-to-do middle and upper-middle classes whose money and influence was used to drill a destructive wedge in the process of democracy, using protection of religion as a pretext. The 1977 anti-Bhutto movement is a case in point.
One sees this process being repeated, if not checked.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Asadullah Bhutto & Deobandi Scholars' Fatwa against Jamat-e-Islami & Mawdudi.

In a shockingly blunt endorsement of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer’s assassination, Ameer Jamat-e-Islami in Sindh Asadullah Bhutto has declared that the assassin will directly go to the “seventh heaven”. He said this after a press conference addressed by JI Ameer Munawar Hasan at Idara-e-Noor-e-Haq on Tuesday. The press conference ended abruptly when a JI spokesman Sarfaraz Ahmad broke the news of Taseer’s assassination to Munawar. “Is he alive?” was his first reaction. “Whoever has killed him is a pious man and will go directly to heaven,” replied Bhutto to a question put forward by this correspondent. He even went on to say that Taseer would not have got killed if the government had replaced him. “Aasia Bibi will suffer the same fate if the punishment awarded to her by the court for using derogatory remarks against Hazrat Mohammed Mustafa (PBUH) is not implemented,” he added. Earlier, during the press conference, Syed Munawar Hasan said that the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) should also clear its position in Sindh after parting ways with the government at the Centre. He said that Altaf Hussain’s party’s stand would sound vague unless all members of his party resign, including the governor, resign and sit on the opposition benches. He said Altaf had twice contacted him on the phone to discuss the political situation. He was in favour of the government completing its five-year tenure, but he added the people should be provided with some relief by reducing the inflation rate and addressing unemployment issues. He informed the media that his party would stage a sit-in in Peshawar on January 23 against the forced disappearances and drone attacks. JI sees Taseer’s assassin in ‘seventh heaven’ Wednesday, January 05, 2011 By Shamim Bano Karachi

Fareed Paracha & Jamat-e-Islami Misquote/Distort Quran on Samaa TV & Commit Blasphemy


A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE MAWDUDI CALAMITY (BY Late. Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Binnori)

In order to master any subject, it is incumbent that one remain in the company and benefit from the master of that subject. It is an accepted fact that for any simple or artistic occupation a teacher or even a guide is necessary. Without these even an intelligent and genius cannot reach the desired stage, be it in the fields of engineering, medicine, or any other subject for that matter. For every occupation or trade it is necessary and incumbent that one should at least earn the basics from a teacher. In this manner, when it is necessary to seek knowledge and guidance in materialistic fields, how can it be possible to attain the Uloom of Nubuwwat - teachings of the Ambiyaa (Alayhis salaam) - and the intricacies of the Shari'ah without the guidance of a tutor? The sciences of this nature are beyond the grasp of human intelligence. They have reached the Ummah through the Wahi (revelation) of the Almighty, and continues through heavenly training, rearing, divine commands, instructions and guidance. Then in these Divine Sciences the attention and considerations of the tutor and guide; and the practical participation in his company has a more important bearing than words. The attaining of correct thinking, understanding and practical Tarbiyah (rearing#) is more important than only attaining knowledge. On that ground, the longer the companionship of a master, the more benefit and experience one will reap. The more perfect the tutor, the more benefit and excellence will be attained. As the purpose of the Uloom-e-Nubuwwat is the guidance of the creation of Allah, in its understanding, there is a strong probability, through the enmity of the accursed Shaytaan, to be led astray. The Shaytaan does not interfere where one strives to attain perfection in material aspects. The Shaytaan sits in comfort. He does not need to interfere, nor is it necessary for him to show his enmity. However, where the hereafter and religion are concerned, the Shaytaan becomes restless in creating mischief. He uses his strength in every possible manner, where success and Hidaayat may be turned into ruin and to cause deviation from the straight path. The greatest asset of the accursed Iblis is 'Talbis', that is to mix the truth with falsehood in such a manner, that where a thing outwardly appears to be beneficial, in reality it becomes a source of wrong doing and detriment. Then too, bearing in mind that the tricks of the human Nafs supercedes this, it is human nature to be arrogant, haughty, deceptive, show-off and have love for rank and high status. These are such diseases that it is difficult to eradicate them even after lengthy training and discipline.

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi PRAISES Mawdudi - 1 (Aaj TV)

For this reason, it is incumbent to remain in the companionship of a master for quite some time, in order to save oneself from the effects of the Shaytaan.

If Allah's grace and mercy are present, then surely one reforms, otherwise, the human just wanders around in the desert of knowledge and intellectualism. After studying the Educational History of the world, this point becomes very clear that all the mischief and chaos that were created, were all at the hands of intellectuals and geniuses. During the period of Ilm (knowledge) a greater portion of Fitna (mischief) appeared by the way of Ilm. Even among the Ulama-e-Haqq, many geniuses due to their sharp intelligence ad accentricity became victims of their wrong thoughts and ideas. This fact became evident that by completely relying on their own acuteness and flowing intellect, they became entangled in Ilm Kibr (educational arrogance), and self-conceited of their own views. They were not fortunate enough to undergo a beneficial amount of spiritual training. As a result, this led them to great lengths. In our times, there exist many such examples. Since thy possess Ilmi acumen and, as many a time they say or write excellently, they become a cause for additional Fitnah. Those individuals who were not fortunate enough to attain a deep knowledge or a spiritual training, easily become their adherents and quickly begin supporting and endorsing their new ideologies. The Shaytaan is always busy in his occupation. A personality that may be of use to guide and direct the Ummah, becomes a means of deviation and ruin for the Ummah. There are examples of these in every era. Imaam Ghazzaaliy (Rahmatullaah Alayhi) has written in his 'Maqaasidul Falaasifah' that after observing the correctness in the elementary and mathematical sciences of the Greeks, the people began to accept all their teachings as correct. They accepted the teachings of the Greeks even in the subjects of Theology and natural philosophy, which led they astray. These words of Imaam Ghazzaaly are very suprising and true. The Shaytaan finds in these situations an ideal opportunity to lead people astray. Well, when the very learned, geniuses and capable can become entangled in such Fitnahs, then those personalities who possess very little Ilmi capabilities and have a tremendous ability to write, and are quick witted and intelligent, but void of a spiritual training under an accomplished master they very quickly become engulfed in self-counceitedness and begin to degrade the Ummah. All the scholarly researches of the Ummah are despised; all the great deeds of the Salafus-Saaliheen are made a joke of and a laughing stock; and by criticising every personality from beginning till the end, falls in deep and dangerous pit, becoming a means of leading all humanity into destruction. Among such people today is a famous personality by the name of Janab Abul-A'ala Maududi Saheb, who was acute and quick witted since childhood, but was troubled by economic difficulties. In the beginning he was employed by the Medina Periodical at Bijnor. Thereafter, he was attached to the 'Muslim', a magazine of the Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind. After a few years, he was employed by the 'Al-Jamiat', Delhi, a journal of the Hamiat Ulama-e-Hind, which was then probably published every third day. His articles captioned, 'Tarikh ke Jawaahir Paaro' appeared with great lustre. In this manner, Maududi Saheb was trained as a writer by Mawlana Ahmad Saeed Saheb. After the death of his father, Maududi Saheb was unable to complete his studies, but had to leave studies during the early Arabic primary stages, nor was he fortunate enough to attain a secular education. He later studied English and attained some competence in it. He greatly benefited from the books, magazines and writings of reputable authors of those days. His writing ability increased by the day. Unfortunately, he was unable to benefit from any religious institution, neither became a graduate of modern education, nor did he gain the company of an experienced and proficient Aalim of the Deen. He has admitted this in an article published during the era of United India in reply to some question posed to him by Mawlana Abdul-Haq Madani Muradabadi. He was unfortunate to experience the company of Niyaaz Fatehpuri, an atheist and infidel.

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi PRAISES Mawdudi - 2 (Aaj TV)

By this association and friendship many incorrect tendencies and inclinations were adopted. In 1933 he began publishing the 'Tarjumanul Quraan' fro Hyderabad, Dacan, wherein he published spending articles. Some Ilmi and literary things began to appear using the best style and methods. At that time, the political situation in the country was very shaky. The movement to free India was in its decisive stages. The best intellectuals of the country were involved in the freedom struggle of India from the British. Mawdudi Saheb adopted a different stand from the rest and engendered the cry of 'Iqaamat Deen' and 'Hukumate Ilaahiyya'.

He strongly and forcefully criticised all the factions involved in seeking the freedom of India. His simple and innocent pnygyrists thought that Mawdudi Saheb was the last straw for the valuable Deen. As a result, very quickly praises began to be showered upon him from the pens of Mawlana Sayyid Sulaymaan Nadwi, Mawlana Manaazir Ahsan Gilani and Mawlana Abdul-Majid Daryabadi. Evidently, at that time Mawdudi Saheb was only a name of an individual. As yet, he had no missionary aim, nor an association or movement. Due to his forceful writings and statements, some among the Ahle Haqq began having great hopes in him. By virtue of his preparedness and through the encouragement of Chaudri Muhammad Niyaaz, the foundation of Darul Islam was laid in Pathankot. The Muslim League and Congress began to be degraded.

Such articles were written by him, as well as book on the political turmoil of the time appeared whereby he began receiving praises from his followers. The political causes stimulated its acceptance. A meeting was held in Lahore, and the foundation of his Imaarat was formally laid. A speech prepared by him was read out, wherein the duties of a present-day Ameer were outlined. Among the participants were also such famous personalities as Janab Mawlana Manzoor Nu’maani, Mawlana Abul-Hassan Ali Nadwi, Mawlana Amin Ahsan Islaahi and Mawlana Mas’ud Aalam Nadwi. Mawdudi Saheb was elected the Chief Ameer and the abovementioned four personalities were elected deputy Ameers. The Jamaat Islami formally came into existence. Its constitution and charter were published. The public looked forward to it, and from every side hopes began to be attached. Six months had not passed by when Mawlana (Manzoor) Nu’maani Saheb and Mawlana Ali Mia Saheb (Abdul Hasan) resigned.

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi PRAISES Mawdudi - 3 (Aaj TV)

They had observed his Ilmi deficiencies and lack of sincerity. They were unable to continue their relationship. These gentlemen kept silent and did not inform the Ummah openly and clearly about their reason for disassociating themselves. I was at that time teaching at Jamia Islamia Dabhel. I enquired from these two personalities about their reason for quitting. They said many things, but no satisfactory clarification was given. I understood the view of Marhum Mawlana Mas’ud Aalam and Mawlana Amin Ahsan Islaahi were quire similar as far as beliefs and conduct were concerned. Hence, they remained for some time as Mawdudi Saheb’s right hand men. Mawlana Mas’ud Aalam assisted through the medium of Arabic literary writings and magnificently translated into Arabic the writings of Mawdudi Saheb. He also trained a few pupils in this field. Mawlana Islaahi through his special style and way assisted the Mawdudi moveent, a few excellent books were written on communism and a few other subjects, i.e. interest, alcohol, Purdah, etc. A few good books were also written for the modern youth. Some worthy articles were published in the ‘Tafheemaat and Tanqeehaat’. Ways and means were adopted to impress the Arabs, especially the Shaykhs of Saudia Arabia.

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Successful strategies were adopted. All those writings that were contributed by Mawdudi Saheb’s associates were published in such a manner as if all these writers were indebted to him. As a result, the personality of Mawdudi Saheb gained fame. He reaped fame from the writings of his associates. He is incapable of composing in Arabic or English. The names of translators do not appear on his books that are translated in other languages. It is not mentioned that this book is translated by Ma’ud Aalam or Aasim Haddaad. People get the notion that this literally intellectual of the Urdu language, is also an Imaam of the Arabic language. A short period has passed when Mawlana Gilani Saheb and Sayyid Sulaymaan Nadwi Saheb became aware and foresaw its detrimental effect; that these writings were a means of creating a new Fitnah. He (Mawlana Gilani) ceased to address him by the titles conferred on him, such as ‘Mutakallim e Islam’, etc. Mawlana Gilani Saheb wrote critical articles under the headings of ‘Khaarijiyyate Jadidah’ in Mawlana Daryabadi’s ‘Sidqe Jadid’. Mawlana Sayyid Husain Ahmed Madani Saheb was perhaps the first among the Ulama who pinpointed this Fitnah in his correspondence. Gradually, other Ulama began to air their views. Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyyah Saheb studied all the available printed Mawdudi literature and wrote a valuable booklet on this subject. It is regretted that this booklet has not been printed yet. In this connection, an Ustaadh of Madrasah Mazaahirul Uloom, Saharanpuri, Mawlana Zakariyya Quddusi Saheb became inclined towards Mawdudi Saheb. Taking this into view and trying to correct him, Shaykhul Hadith Saheb wrote a letter to him, explaining all Mawdudi Saheb’s errors and incorrect interpretations of the Deen.

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This letter has been published in a booklet form titled, ‘Fitnah Mawdudiyyat’ (It is now reprinted under the title ‘Jamaat Islamiyyah, ek lamanah Fikriyyah’).

I admired many things about Mawdudi Saheb and detested many. For a long time I did not wish to degrade him. I felt that from his innovated style of presentation, the modern generation could benefit. Although at times such compositions appeared from his that it was not possible to endure it, but taking into consideration the Deeni well-being, I tolerated it and kept silent. I did not forsee that this Fitnah would spread worldwide and have a detrimental effect on the Arab world; that every day from his master pen new bud would keep on blossoming and indecent words would be used regarding the Sahaaba Kiraam (Radhiallaahu Anhum) and the Anbiyaa (Alayhimus salaam). Later on, such things appeared daily in the ‘Tafhimul Qur’aan’.

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Now it has become known without doubt that his writings and publications are the greatest Fitnah of the present time, notwithstanding a few beneficial treatises that have appeared, it is the case of ‘and the sin of them is greater than their usefulness.’ (Surah Baqarah 219). Now that stage has been reached where to keep silent seems to be a great crime. It is regretted that for forty years an offensive silence was kept. Now the time has dawned, where without fear of rebuttal and censure all his writings from A to Z should be thoroughly studied with a view to fulfil the demands for the preservation of the Deen with Haqq and justice.


Deobandi Fatwas against Mawdudi, Jamat-e-Islami, Barelvis, Ahl-e-Hadith & Shias
Differences In Ummat & Siraat e Mustaqeem By SHEIKH MUHAMMAD YUSUF LUDHYANVI (RA)


For God’s sake he is another funny professor like Professor Alim Baba Bangali,,,,

I was read many news paper clips & TV news about this personality, it was quite interesting to read about a person who had a knighthood from UK but we never know,,,
Allegedly he got a best person’s award of the decade passing Nelson Mandela & Julien Assange, it was quite surprising,, so I started googling a bit & found his CV on his own website..
listen his english … does he looks like speaking any sensible stuff ? read the comments below this video…
also go to and type his name, if you see any of his publication, thesis, research publications ?? he is no where, making fool of whole nation.. then type Biomagnatism (his area of research) & his name on google,,, you will not get any international reference, only pakistani news.. in his CV he wrote D.Litt from “University De La PAIX., Russia” even this is wrong, “de la paix” is french means “of peace” and he couldn’t write Université in french ? and funny thing is this French named university is in Russia … ?? BSC from Siri Lanka; MSc From Kasiksztan, PhD from Belgium; D.Litt from Russsia !
Now read more and more funny stuff,,,
Earned Degrees:
D.Litt. University De La PAIX., Russia. 1999-01. (He was doing Doctrate in 2001)
Adjunct Professor.
Institute De Korte, Amsterdam, Netherland. 1999-2000. (Resg.)
& more
Visiting Professor :
Colombo South Government General University & Teaching Hospital. (1995-2000).
& above all
SMOKHM’S Senior External Assessor
for Doctoral, Post Doctoral and General
Research Studies (1999-2001):
i. Oxford University U.K.
ii. World Health Organization.
iii. Department of Space Biology NASA.
iv. Cambridge University U.K.
v. Toronto University Canada.
where was he in year 2000 ?????
The Meritorious Royal Knight Supreme of The Roll of Honour & The Chevalier of Merit (He is alone in this world having this award, google it)
The Sovereign Military Order of the Knights Hospitallers of Malta (any one know what it is ?)
I would request all my friends & media fellow not to spread this Hoax anymore and discourage such fake people.
for God’s sake he is another funny professor like Professor Alim Baba Bangali,,,,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Values of corporate media

 The corporate media has effectively prearranged an articulation of a new indenture among globalized audiences. Persisting with a predefined political grammar, this indenture not only curbs the eventualities of superfluous discrepancies inside a meta-capitalist- logic but it also reinforces the prevalent sphere of controlled logics. Thus corporate media dapper the approach of western thinking tenet and relates it with a designed consent among globalized audiences.
The corporate media is the most recent version of modern democracies. And like modern democracies the corporate media has also configured an involuntary demeanor to furnish a dynamic silhouette to its organism. For that purpose the corporate media has generated a programmed content. Both corporate media and modern democracies entail discourses (events) to sustain their apparent dynamism with in this entire scheme. Through this programmed content, the corporate media create simulations of required discourses (events).
The corporate media also have to constitute a meta-capitalist will to engage the globalized audiences and for that purpose it has designed different lifestyles. It is also very important to understand corporate media’s approach towards globalized culture. Though corporate media itself adds different thinking and living trends into globalized culture but at the same time it also assists modern democracies to introduce opinions. Modern democracies brand opinions and corporate media advertise them.
Certainly, this stuff has to come across with dissimilar forms and diverse ambitions so that settlement of conspicuous inconsistencies of a meta-capitalist- logic should be addressed appropriately. This shows that differentiation among the institutions of democracy, corporate media and capitalism can only be recognized in the course of their correspondence with the various fundamentals of modern socio-political system.
Capitalism’s correspondence with modern socio-political system can be presented as one illustration. We all know that capitalism has build up its impersonate as one of the most steadfast contractor of diverse discourses (events) to the present arrangements. Capitalism’s fundamental transfiguration in recent times has enabled it to expand its spatial encompassing, thus it can allow each ideological and political design to swop with in itself.
Now, capitalism is backing modern-democracies with Meta- logic for the development and implementation of choices, on the one hand, and supplying discourses (events) to corporate media on the other. Capitalism itself is not more than an institution, nonetheless, and it receives compliance of coordination from other institutions in return of such patronages. Therefore capitalism, corporate media, democracies, governing systems, educational set ups or any other institution is presume to pass on a programmed content.
We should also not forget the fact that this programmed content has been willfully heaved from western thinking tenet and like its origin the programmed content is designed to provide opinions to the targeted audiences. It also has the skill to confab its apparent contradictions and involve the globalized audiences to choose a predefined stance.
Corporate media, along with modern democracies, decipher the encrypted events that are dormant in Meta-capitalist-logic. It is also true that wars, terrorism, coups, natural calamities, sports, films, music, research methodologies, literary or philosophical movements and even fashion trends are encrypted into events by Meta-capitalistic logic. Different institutions like modern democracies, capitalism, corporate media, and educational set ups etc decipher these discourses (events) and help them to take place in diverse forms and projected places.
Milieu of all these discourses (events) is also predefined in Meta-capitalistic –logic and corporate media unfold and relates these discourses (events) with programmed content by its unbiased annotations, before and after their happening. In other words corporate media is one occurring style of these discourses (events).
The globalized audiences, on the other hand, are absolutely free to infer this electronic philosophy. They are allowed to choose their positions with in these discourses (events), agree or not to agree about the fractional or absolute occurrence of these discourses (events), and they can even holdup discourses (events) to take place. The globalized audiences also have the choice to reshuffle their positions with in this method of possibilities. And some of them can even transform themselves in to discourses (events).
Prominent politicians, military rulers, renowned social-workers, activists, film celebrities, legendary sports men, famous religious scholars and award winning or best selling literary writers, poets and philosophers of modern times are the perfect examples of people transforming into discourses (events) through corporate media. These examples not only elucidate the basic function of corporate media but it also validates the believe pattern of globalized audiences.
These contradictory themes that prevail between globalized audiences and corporate media has immense commercial viability too and both stakeholders classify their interests by choosing their stance with in this format of give and take. For instance, right and left, is the most comprehendible division and staging of choices about modern socio-political views. Though both right and the left wings have been originated from a programmed content but the choice of the global audiences between right and left is generating consent over permanent frictions.
Discourses (events) like world wars, cold war and now war against terror are some predominant models. All these discourses (events) were exclusively formed as choices. Choice between right and left surely is just one example and they don’t have to result in war all the time. Programmed content can also appear in the shape of a complete consent. News channels, religious channels, sports channels, entertainment channels etc. all are broadcasting a similar content by carrying different sub-logics.
The corporate media, in most recent times, has also successfully created its own periphery. Interestingly, the periphery of corporate media or “new media” has also   redefined the format of consent between corporate media and global audiences. New media can be reckoned as the peripheral level of indenture. New media is supposed to brand a new echelon of choices between it self and the traditional corporate media. And this new scheme of choices is not only confirming the trends of programmed content but it is also reaching out for an absolute consent.
Kashif Baloch did MPhil, currently  working with a social organization "interactive resource centre" . He has worked for  Dawn news as an anchor and copy editor.

“Shoot us”

Urdu press and leading television channels, played a catalytic role in what happened. They lament that the responsibility of Taseer’s assassination rests with the irresponsible media and its howling and yelling anchors. The Jamaat-e-Islami and Sipah-e-Sahaba affiliated journalists and analysts in the media berated and maligned Taseer for supporting poor Christian rural worker Aasia Bibi
On the sad assassination of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer, a journalist, Jahanzaib Haque, commented on a blog, “The time for change has come. Please just arrest me if necessary …, but do something! Make an example of someone, anyone! If you do not have the guts to round up, arrest and make a public example of every one of those hooligans who danced on the streets, posing for photo-ops with burning effigies of late Governor Salman Taseer then at least arrest me and my ilk; throw away the key if one of us so much as whispers the word wajibul qatl in a public sphere.
Fine my publisher for allowing such remarks to be passed. Register a case. Give PEMRA the opportunity to do its job and shut down the entire media organization if necessary. Ban all religious debate in the media, be it positive or negative, for the sake of this country in crisis. Just do it…surely you have enough power to be able to take out their rabid, support group spewing hate on prime time TV and in print, don’t you? Are you even aware of the laws, rules and regulations which the media must follow? Are you aware that being the government means you can actually ‘govern’.
I implore you, please take me and my fellow journalists and media personalities out and shoot us like dogs in the desert and leave our corpses to rot if need be. Be bold, be fascist, be militant, be brave – choose any path to ensuring a lock down on the madness that is ‘the media boom’ but stop side-stepping what needs to be done in this twisted field we have dubbed journalism.”
Haque’s rage, disappointment and helplessness is manifestation of the frustration which most of the journalists in Pakistan feel while working in media organizations which have come under total control of fanatic and fascist politico-religious forces. Because of the so-called talk shows and news and views disseminated by media not only the assassin Mumtaz Qadri but so many other people were made to believe that Salman Taseer was a blasphemer.
A particular talk show hosted by one Mehar Bokhari on Samaa TV, while interviewing Taseer, constantly traded accusations with him that put him on the defensive and gave the impression that he was somehow not being honest about his views on the blasphemy law. Besides, his press briefing with Aasia Bibi in jail and the common perception that he, a politician who would never speak the truth, was reinforced. Sections of the media actively gave airtime to people who accused him of committing blasphemy. Disproportionate coverage was given to clerics who declared it an obligation on Muslims to kill blasphemers and offered cash rewards. Understandably, many journalists openly sided with the fascists.
Many sane minds are suggesting that media portrayals of Salman Taseer and blasphemy law fall within a category of ‘incitement of violence’. The media, especially Urdu press and leading television channels, played a catalytic role in what happened. They lament that the responsibility of Taseer’s assassination rests with the irresponsible media and its howling and yelling anchors. The Jamaat-e-Islami and Sipah-e-Sahaba affiliated journalists and analysts in the media berated and maligned Taseer for supporting poor Christian rural worker Aasia Bibi.
This media persons’ transformation from secular, moderate into hardcore ultra-rightist, and in some cases religious fanatic, has not occurred in a day. It is the work of decades of religion-exploiting forces who have ultimately occupied key positions in media organizations.
A report produced by International Media Support in September 2009 on media in Pakistan, says, in a way, Pakistani print media came into existence with a mission to promulgate the idea of Pakistan…The need for self-defense runs deeply in Pakistani identity and the Pakistani army is one of the caretakers of this identity and it is seen as the defender of the national identity which is formed by alertness towards India with the national religion.
The emphasis on Islam as a major pillar of national identity has led to an alliance between the custodians of Islam - the religious leaders with the military, government institutions and the intelligence services. The nexus between these national guardians has had a huge influence on Pakistani media as they argue that they defend national identity and interests as a way to justify controlling the media. Religious leaders have promulgated blasphemy laws that have curbed freedom of expression and the intelligence services have manipulated the media.
The report further says that radical Islamist influence on the media first manifested itself in the 1950s, when the government in Punjab used the media to promote radical views against the Ahmadis. The newspaper “Nawa-e-Waqt” was among the papers receiving money from the Punjab government to incite public anger against the Ahmadis. Since then, radical groups and political parties, such as Jamaat-i-Islaami, Sipahi-Sahaba, and more recently the Pakistani Taliban, have infiltrated the mainstream media.
In this backdrop one should not wonder when Saleem Bokhari, editor of The Nation, in his program, Bolta Pakistan on Aaj TV on January 10, after the assassination of Taseer, said, “I don't understand as to how a Muslim can be liberal." He made these remarks in response to co-host Oriya Maqbool Jan's remark that the West had divided Muslims into fundamentalists and liberals. Oriya Maqbool Jan in a column in Urdu daily Express on 8 January equated Qadri with Ilmuddin and boasted that Mohammad Ali Jinnah himself defended Ilmuddin in the court. Oriya Maqbool Jan is a former information secretary of Government of Punjab and reportedly a former Islami Jamiat-e-Talba nazim in Gujrat. In the same column he made some strange claims about how Jews were treated, rather mistreated, in the West. He said that they are treated like dirt.
The embarrassing treatment with Dr Pervez Hoodbhai in a talk show is a shameful example of projecting Qadri’s supporters as heroes. In Pervez Hoodbhai’s own words which he wrote in a letter to a friend:
“Yesterday a TV program on blasphemy (Samaa, hosted by Asma Shirazi) was broadcast. Asma had pleaded that I participate. So I did - knowing fully well what was up ahead.  But I could not bear to watch the broadcast and turned it off after a few minutes.
My opponents were Farid Paracha (spokesman, Jamaat-e-Islami) and Maulana Sialvi (Sunni Tehreek, a Barelvi and supposed moderate). There were around 100 students in the audience, drawn from colleges across Pindi and Islamabad.
Even as the mullahs frothed and screamed around me (and at me), I managed to say the obvious: that the culture of religious extremism was resulting in a bloodbath in which the majority of victims are Muslims; that non-Muslims were fleeing Pakistan; that the self-appointed "thaikaydars" of Islam in Pakistan were deliberately ignoring the case of other Muslim countries like Indonesia which do not have the death penalty for blasphemy; that debating the details of Blasphemy Law 295-C did not constitute blasphemy; that American Muslims were very far from being the objects of persecution; that harping on drone attacks was an irrelevancy to the present discussion on blasphemy.
The response? Not a single clap for me. Thunderous applause whenever my opponents called for death for blasphemers. And loud cheers for Qadri, the murderer. When I directly addressed Sialvi and said he had Salman Taseer's blood on his hand, he exclaimed "How I wish I did!" (kaash ke main hota!).
Dr Pervez Hoodbhai concludes in his letter that his country is destined to drown in blood from civil war. I wish people would stop writing rubbish about Pakistan having an image problem. It's the truth that's really the problem.
Mazhar Arif is a senior journalist, media critic, researcher, writer and people’s rights activist presently working as Executive Director, Society for Alternative Media and Research (SAMAR), an organization seeking space for voices of the voiceless in the media and engaged with promoting media literacy to enable readers, viewers and listeners to understand and analyze media contents.

Hate speech

Time and again, Ulema in Pakistan reiterate their ‘right’ to propagate Islam the way they think it right. Extremist religious groups defending Mumtaz Qadri, who killed Salman Taseer also argue around the ‘rights’ and ‘duties’ of every Muslim to guard the prestige of Islam whatsoever
Perhaps, sensitive to the ‘anti-Muslim bias becoming a norm in Britain’, as expressed by Sayeeda Warsi, the first Cabinet Minister originating from Pakistan, her Government barred pastor Terry Jones - earlier causing an outrage in the Muslim world for his intent to burn Quran - from entering into Britain. He was going to join hands with the far right groups like, ‘English Defence League (EDL)’ and ‘England is Ours (EIO)’, planning anti-Muslim rallies here next month. Likewise, Zakir Naik - a widely known Islamic orator and the founder of ‘Islamic Research Centre’, India - was already banned somewhat earlier. He was invited by an orthodox Islamic charity to deliver a series of talks.
The former was regretted for campaigning against ‘Islam as an evil faith’ and the latter for decreeing ‘death penalty for apostates’ and his ‘dubious statements on terrorism’ in some of his speeches earlier. Mr. Naik is also an outright protagonist of ‘Islamic supremacy’ against Judaism and Christianity and Mr. Jones believes that ‘Muslims pave the way to hell’ for denying Christ’s status as the son of God and ‘they are the ones causing trouble in Europe’.
‘Banning an entry that might cause violence or public disorder is a step to ensure public good,’ said the Home Office. In response, both of the clerics and their aides resort to human rights arguments saying, their ‘freedom of expression,’ ‘freedom of religion’ and ‘the right to mobility,’ has been violated. Valid arguments but we need to think it over before reaching any conclusions. We also need to explore the difference between universal applicability of ‘right to free expression’ and problems with its’ pragmatic manoeuvring? But it is squarely relevant to share a couple of more examples of the kind.
Time and again, Ulema in Pakistan reiterate their ‘right’ to propagate Islam the way they think it right. Extremist religious groups defending Mumtaz Qadri, who killed the provincial Governor, Salman Taseer, for striving a clemency for an accused Christian woman, Asia Noreen, and amending the blasphemy law, also argue around the ‘rights’ and ‘duties’ of every Muslim to guard the prestige of Islam whatsoever. ‘Therefore the self-confessed assassin be released honourably’, most of them believe.
Far right Hindu groups, Bajrang Dal and Rashtrya Swamisevak Sangh, made pulled in the ‘rights’ rhetoric over the talk of outlawing them from Britain back in 2008. On the other hand the saffron sena brutally attempts to silence every other form of creative, artistic and intellectual expression in India at every possible occasion. Quite recently they have posted hate mails to Delhi Art Gallery for displaying MF Hussain’s - famed as Picasso of India - paintings in the largest art summit of India. To them, some of his images depicting Hindu goddesses in sensually striking manner appear sacrilegious. The painter has been intimidated and his work destroyed more than once, eventually forcing him into exile.
Assaulting the famous writer and activist Arundhati Roy’s house, foiling the plans to install Charlie Chaplain’s Statue in Karnataka for his Christina denomination, killing the peace-promoting puppeteer Safdar Hashmi in 1989 are just a few examples of their offensive against the ‘freedom of thought’ and ‘expression’. Several books, films, theatres and other forms of cultural and artistic expressions are on their hate-demand to be banned. Minorities’, particularly Muslim and Christians’, right to religious freedom, is already constrained. Reverse anti-Muslim bias into anti-Hindu bias, and you will get a picture that is even worse in Pakistan on every count.
Deplorably enough, the far right groups from each side almost always employ selective clauses of ‘human rights’ if and when suited. Putting things in perspective, I must say quote that ‘rights’ are ‘interdependent’, ‘indivisible’ and ‘universal’ indifferent to the identities or associations of a person or group. A person is entitled to every right by the virtue of being ‘human’ whoever and wherever s/he come from and is obliged to extent the same to everyone else. Regarding faith, it is not the majority only rather every individual or group has the right to ‘freedom of ‘thought,’ ‘conscience’ and ‘religion’ without discrimination (Article 9).
Labelling a religion as ‘the source of evil’ is not ‘freedom of speech’ but ‘hate speech,’ apprehensible by human rights law. Rallying against ‘Muslim citizens’ and ‘construction of Mosques’ as planned by EDL, and EIO is not a ‘right to assembly’ but constraining others’ ‘religious freedom’ and incitement to ‘hatred’ and racism,’ often leading to violence. Adopting such a position entirely goes against the ‘right to equality’ and ‘human dignity’. Article 21 of ‘Civil and Political Rights’ itself constrains ‘freedom of expression’ and ‘assembly,’ in case it is likely to cause public unrest, and member states are obliged to take appropriate measures. If one group holds the Quran ‘responsible for 9/11 - as believed by Terry Jones and his British cohorts, ‘and the other believes that Yahaood-o-Nasara can never be sincere to them and ‘the Bible and Torah are the corrupted scriptures’ as widely held by Muslims, things might turn chaotic in the world. Their relationships would always go from bad to worse, culminating in disastrous consequences.
Similarly, justifying acts of terror openly or ambiguously is justifying violence one way or the other. If an apostate is ‘a traitor’ condemned to death, as advocated by Zakir Naik and some other radical clerics, then the ‘right to change one’s faith whatever a person likes to’ as prescribed by principled of human rights and ‘ones right to life’ - sanctified by human rights philosophy even in case of criminal offense - are consciously suspended. If someone is bent upon proving the ‘supremacy’ of one’s faith, a significant injunction of the ‘equality of faith’ and ‘respect for every religion’ is seriously compromised?
Intellectual, cultural and creative expressions are also forms of expression that deserve complete freedom like the freedom of religious expression. Intellectual, artistic and creative emblems and inscriptions are the markers of a civilized society. The subcontinental plateau, spread across India and Pakistan, has been a fertile ground for art, literature and religious plurality for thousands of years. It must be allowed to maintain its’ spirit and flourish on its’ cultural legacy. Self-proclaimed custodians of its tradition, like Rashtrya and Jamat-e-Islami have no right to smother its’ soul for their political gains. The right to culture as embraced by economic-social and cultural rights, lays particular emphasis on the right to intellectual and creative freedom, that must be upheld in any case.
Most assumptions of far right Christian, Hindu and Muslim groups and clerics held against each other fly into the face of fundamental principles of human rights. Where ‘freedom of expression’ becomes ‘incitement to violence’ it is no more a ‘right’ but an ‘offence’. Short of ‘a right’ ‘freedom of assembly’ and ‘right to mobility’ if organised against a group equals ‘racial mobilization’ as planned by EDL and EIO in England, Bajaran Dal and RSS in India or as demonstrated by the radical Islamic parties like Jamat-e-Islami, Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam and their followers in Pakistan.
‘Rights’ and ‘freedoms’ in terms of ‘acts’ and ‘expressions’ can only be enjoyed in equilibrium with each other and each others’ faith. ‘Being at peace with one’s fellow beings’ as preached by holy Quran, Gaeta and the Bible is fundamental tenet of human rights too. ‘Unity of soul’ and ‘equality of being’ is part of Christian, Hindu and Islamic faith and also affirmed by the philosophy of human rights. ‘There is no compulsion in deen’ is clearly stated in Holy Quran and is more or less similar to ‘the human rights provision of ‘freedom of religion’. Rights, we must assure ourselves, are not a reserve of a race, a religious group or class but a complement of ‘citizenship’ and ‘humanness’. Respecting all rights at all times for all people might halt mutual biases ‘becoming a norm’.
Echoing Sayeeda Warsi’s apprehensions, anti-minority-faith in Pakistan, India and several other countries is almost becoming a norm. Might turn far more disastrous, if not brought to an end on time. Democratic and pluralist governments are obliged to take measures to stop the spread of interfaith prejudices in their respective countries. Religio-political organizations and known pastors and preachers also have a significant role to play, if they genuinely respect freedom of expression and mobility. It is an opportunity, they must cease upon.
 Amjad Nazeer did  M.A in Anthropology from Quid-e-Azam University in 1995. He produced several articles and booklets to promote 'peace', 'human rights' and 'democratization' in Pakistan. Presently doing M.A in Human Rights from Roehampton University, London.

No room for dissenting voices


Pakistani society has taken vigilantism to epic proportions. As if cases under blasphemy ordinance against people for taking off milad posters and offering water were not enough we now have a brand new blasphemy case against a 17 year old high school student for allegedly making derogatory remarks about Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) in three of his answer sheets – Urdu, Islamiat and Physics – in his intermediate exams.

Unlike the above mentioned cases which were filed in rural Punjab by semi literate maulanas, this one was filed in Karachi by the controller of examinations of the Intermediate Board of Education, Karachi. The 17 year old is now in juvenile prison. He has pleaded guilty and appealed to the judicial magistrate for pardon. He has apologized and promised that he would never commit 'such a sin' again.

For starters, this kid is obviously troubled. He is a teenager dealing with existentialist anguish which is quite common in young people who think. What else would explain his supposedly blasphemous answers in a Physics paper! If anything, this kid needs to be listened and if possible counseled by professionals, not thrown in jail with common criminals.

Secondly, if I am not mistaken, a teacher is only supposed to grade the paper. Passing judgment on the contents of the paper and moral policing has never been part of an instructor’s duties. In fact they cannot even fail the students or take actions against them if what the students have written is against their religious or moral ideology. They most certainly have no right to instigate criminal action against an underage kid on the basis of his answer sheet.

In addition, an answer sheet is a private document and the controller of exams, Professor Agha Akbar had no right to make it public or use it as evidence against the boy in this case. If anyone needs a quick lesson in Ethics 101, it is the professor sahib, not the high school kid. The Intermediate Board is using the blasphemy law to coerce a student to form opinions as deemed fit by the institution.

This incident also gives a clear message to other conflicting souls; you stay quiet and suffer in silence instead of debating the questions that trouble you. It also indicates that young people have cannot express their genuine opinion in their papers and will only be saved if they write answers memorized by rote learning. Critical thinking, in anyways, is over rated in the land of pure. We want to produce assembly line products for human being with no room for dissenting voices.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Too late to head for shore?

These days, like most Pakistanis, I feel very troubled in the head and heart. It is as if one is boiling inside all the time with some kind of helpless indignation, enraged to see such a good country going to hell with such cruelty and waste. Not every generation is given the chance to turn the page on the past and write a new chapter in history. Yet this was the opportunity before us on August 14, 1947. We botched it.

Today Pakistan looks exhausted, ossified and ideologically bankrupt, surviving merely to perpetuate its corrupt rulers. Never has the divide between ruler and ruled seemed so gaping, and perhaps never has it been so dangerous. Thievery at the summit of power, a totally new phenomenon introduced in this country by Zardari, inspires outrage and disgust among the people, especially the poor.

President Ben Ali of Tunisia had to flee the country in the darkness of the night in order to escape the wrath of his people. Isn’t it a great tragedy that General Musharraf, guilty of unspeakable crimes against the state and with the blood of innocent Pakistanis on his hands, was given a ceremonial guard of honour by the so-called democratic government of Pakistan and allowed to escape. Little did the people of Pakistan know that it was all part of the deal made in Washington, now unfolding before our eye. The Zardari regime is merely a facsimile of the Musharraf regime in civilian clothing and is awash in corruption.

Today the nation is clearly at a crossroads. We can follow the line of least resistance, turn a blind eye and follow the road that has led us to where we are today. Or we can choose the other road. If parliament is unable or unwilling to respond to public demands, people will, perforce, take the issue to the parliament of man, the parliament of the streets.

The American footprint in our country is growing larger and heavier by the day. Nuclear Pakistan is now an American colony and is used as a doormat on which the US can wipe its bloodstained boots. American military personnel cross and re-cross our border without let or hindrance. Their drones violate our air space with the agreement of our government and kill innocent men, women and children. No questions asked. No public outrage. No protest demonstrations. No self-respecting country, big or small, would tolerate such intrusions.

Men and women of Pakistan! Today we are engaged in a great battle. The lines are drawn. The issues are clear. Those who are not with the people are against them. It is as simple as that. The time to hesitate is through. Now or never is the moment when salvation from these highway robbers is possible. Too long have we been passive spectators of events. Today our fate is in our hands, but soon it may go beyond. “There is a moment in engagement”, Napoleon once said, “when the least manoeuvre is decisive and gives victory. It is a one drop of water which makes the vessel run over”. That moment has arrived.

Pakistan has only two choices: shambles and corrupt rulers or a rally of the mass of the people. Little Tunisia is a clarion call for all those who want to drive out their corrupt rulers. Both the president and the prime minister lack integrity and credibility. Any other person in their position would have resigned long ago. A Japanese would have committed hara-kiri. The tragedy of Pakistan is that both Zardari and Gilani are clinging to office like a dirty old piece of chewing gum on the leg of a chair and, like Ben Ali, will not leave voluntarily.

At this moment, when the nation is standing on the escalator of corruption and anarchy, right-minded citizens cannot afford to stand frozen in disgust and dismay. We cannot merely look upon the political development in sorrow and upon our politicians in anger. The problems facing the country have to be faced and their solutions sought without delay. We are racing against time. A problem avoided turns into a crisis, and the crisis not mastered can turn into a disaster further down the road.

I still remain hopeful we can rouse ourselves to save our country. But the time is growing short. We are fast approaching the edge of a huge waterfall and are about to plunge over it. Unfortunately, no one seems to realise that it is almost too late to head for shore.

The writer is a former federal secretary. Email:,

Jamat-e-Islami/MMA & American Funding through USAID. Governor Sardar Latif Khosa has ruled out any amendment to the blasphemy law and asserted that no such plan is under consideration by the government. Talking to the media after meeting JI Ameer Syed Munawwar Hasan at Mansoorah on Thursday, Khosa dispelled the impression that the Pakistan Peoples Party was amending the existing blasphemy law. He said the government had no such plan and asserted that the Pakistan Peoples Party would defend the Namoos-e-Risalat till the last drop of blood. He clarified that the fact-finding committee, constituted by President Asif Ali Zardari, was merely aimed at stopping the path of any bill by any member on the private memberís day in the National Assembly. The governor said he had come to meet the JI leadership in pursuance of the Pakistan Peoples Party’s policy of national reconciliation, adding that he had also invited Syed Munawwar Hasan to visit the Governorís House. To a question, Khosa said that the passage of the 18th and 19th amendments was made possible through the politics of reconciliation and it was time to make joint efforts to curb the challenges faced by the federation. Munawwar Hasan demanded the government take notice of statements by the US government and Pope Benedict XVI regarding granting pardon to Asia Bibi and the government must dispel ìmisunderstandingsî in this regard. He also demanded expulsion of representative of the Vatican City from Pakistan.  Senior Minister Raja Riaz Ahmed and Pakistan Peoples Party cabinet members from Punjab including Ashraf Khan Sohna, Farooq Yusuf Ghurki and JI leader Liaquat Baloch were also present. REFERENCE: Khosa rules out change in blasphemy laws By Our Correspondent Friday, January 28, 2011

Fareed Paracha & Jamat-e-Islami Misquote/Distort Quran on Samaa TV & Commit Blasphemy

Daily Jang dated 28 Jan 2011
Saudi Arabian Scholar on Blasphemous Founder of Jamat-e-Islami i.e. Mawdudi - Mawdudi, Qutb and the Prophets of Allaah 


LAHORE, Jan 27: The Jamaat-i-Islami has warned the government of protest if public reservations are not taken care of on blasphemy laws. “If the government fails to remove people`s apprehensions about blasphemy laws, the situation will go beyond protest rallies,” JI chief Syed Munawwar Hasan told the media after hosting Punjab Governor Latif Khosa and a PPP delegation at the party headquarters here on Thursday. Mr Hasan argued that the people were rightly having apprehensions about and protesting the issue as the prime minister was not giving assurance in parliament on not amending the law. He demanded that the government expel Vatican`s representative and officially protest with the European parliament for their utterances against the law. He also sought official protest against the US offer of political asylum to Aasia Masih, a blasphemy convict.

Jamat-e-Islami and IJT are Foreign Agents - 1 (Dunya News 24/1/2011)

He said a lack of clear and categorical stance on blasphemy laws and ignoring demands for disbanding the (Federal Minority Affairs Minister) Shahbaz Bhatti-led committee on the issue was making the people doubtful about the government intentions. He made it clear that the Namoos-i-Risalat movement would continue until the committee for review of the laws was dissolved and the bill submitted by PPP MNA Sherry Rehman suggesting amendments to them was withdrawn. Jan 30 protest rally, scheduled to be taken out from Nasser Bagh up to the Punjab Assembly Building, on the issue would be historic, he added.

Jamat-e-Islami and IJT are Foreign Agents - 2 (Dunya News 24/1/2011)

Referring to the reconciliation policy of the PPP government, the JI leader said they welcomed it as none wished for the policy of confrontation. However, he said, fruits of the reconciliation should reach down to the public and it must not be confined to protecting interests of the ruling elite. He assured the visitors of his party support to each and every move made for the benefit of the masses. Mr Khosa said he had brought a message of reconciliation to the JI leaders from President Asif Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and PPP chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. He said they were carrying the message to leaders of all the political parties for making the country a cradle of peace and tranquility. He said doors of the Governor`s House were open to all people irrespective of their creed and political affiliations. Senior PPP Minister Raja Riaz, ministers Ashraf Sohna and Farooq Ghurki, and Haji Azizur Rehman Chan were accompanying the governor, while JI Secretary-General Liaquat Baloch, naib amir Aslam Saleemi and others were present. REFERENCE: Blasphemy laws: JI warns govt of protest From the Newspaper (12 hours ago) Today 
Mullah Military Alliance: Allama Sajid Naquvi, Mawlana Samiul Haq, Mawlana Fazal ur Rahman, Mawlana Shah Ahmed Noorani and Qazi Hussain Ahmed.
'MMA was created by ISI' RECORDER REPORT [Courtesy Business Recorder 2005]

MULTAN (February 16 2005): Farooq Maudoodi son of founder of Jamaat-i-Islami, late Abul Aala Maudoodi, has said that Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) had been created by ISI and it is a part and parcel of the military government and cannot part ways with President Pervez Musharraf. Talking to a group of journalists here on Tuesday he said: "Qazi Hussain Ahmed met the then ISI chief, General Ehsan-ul-Haq, then called on General Pervez Musharraf and later met US ambassador, then flew to United States. As soon as he returned, MMA was formed like IJI (Islami jamhoori Ittehad)."  He said that IJI was organised by ISI and funds were also provided by it on the assurance of Qazi Hussain Ahmed, who had also played a key role in IJI. "Now he is playing major role in MMA." Bitterly criticising the MMA, Farooq said that the role of MMA is evidence of its loyalties with military regime. It had approved the 17th constitutional amendment which is in favour of the present regime. He said: "Where has the MMA movement gone while its leadership is claiming that it would continue till the achievement of objective of 'Uniform'?" Farooq said that Benazir knew very well about MMA and she had some reservations about it. He said that ISI has complete record of MMA leaders and they cannot escape. He said that politics ended in 1958 when Ayub imposed martial law. He said that plundering of evacuee trust property (Auqaf) and politics of clerics destroyed the politics of the country. Regarding deletion of column of 'religion' from Passport, he said that it was a good step and Ulema should have welcomed it but they made it part of their agitation to hoodwink the innocent Muslims.Farooq said that some bad things were added in the constitution by Zia-ul-Haq, which must be excluded, which had bred many ills. ends

Jamat-e-Islami and IJT are Foreign Agents - 3 (Dunya News 24/1/2011)

Mullah Military Alliance: Allama Sajid Naquvi, Mawlana Samiul Haq, Mawlana Fazal ur Rahman, Mawlana Shah Ahmed Noorani and Qazi Hussain Ahmed.

The never ending split in MMA By Alya Alvi

THE Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal is heading towards further break-up as internal differences among the already reduced “six-party alliance” have posed major threat to its existence.
Despite truce on NSC issue between Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the ideological gulf between the two is fast widening. As frequent splits have already become a serious issue due to sole decisions taken by the two mainstream parties; especially Qazi-Baloch dominated Jamaat-e-Islami, more reasons are cropping up to bring the two heads at loggerheads. 

Reports suggest that Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Fazlur Rehman have entered into yet another conflict since Maulana Sherani accepted chairmanship of National Assembly’s Standing Committee.

Jamat-e-Islami and IJT are Foreign Agents - 4 (Dunya News 24/1/2011)

“Qazi has lodged a strong protest with Fazlur Rehman over Muhammad Khan Sherani’s acceptance of the office of chairman National Assembly’s Standing Committee of Ports and Shipping”.

It is said that Qazi, seeking explanation, also talked to Sherani and expressed great sense of resentment over his becoming chairman of the Standing Committee without taking him, being head of the alliance or the MMA parties, into confidence. “Sherani told Qazi that he obtained permission from Fazlur Rehman before accepting the office whereas Fazl, in his telephonic conversation, denied to have permitted him for the same.”

Qazi reminded Fazl and Sherani about the MMA and other opposition parties’ decision that they will not accept any office in the Standing Committees till the Government ensures allocation of the offices under the proportionate system. “Qazi Sahib takes the matter as a sheer violation of the party discipline.” However no disciplinary action is expected to be taken against Maulana Sherani following his position particularly in Balochistan where he is heading the MMA as well as JUI-F besides he has complete backing of Fazlur Rehman.

Maulana Sherani is the second from MMA who became chairman of a Standing Committee as JUI-S Chief Maulana Samiul Haq’s son, Maulana Hamidul Haq Haqqani is already holding such position. Qazi’s JI and Fazl’s JUI, the two major components of MMA, are already facing severe differences over the issue of participation of Chief Minister Akram Durrani in NSC and a final decision is still pending.

The JUI-F wants to ensure Durrani’s participation in NSC meetings whereas the JI has been left alone among the Majlis parties that are opposing such move since the council was established through an act of Parliament.

The MMA parties met on June 23 here in Islamabad to take up different issues including the NSC and maybe Sherani’s acceptance of chairmanship of the Standing Committee besides forming its general council.

Making of MMA (Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal) is really a great thing. But the initially formed six-party alliance has reduced to a two-party ‘marriage of convenience’. With the death of Allama Shah Ahmed Noorani MMA witnessed the demise of JUP’s active affiliation.

Allama Sajid Naqvi virtually declared to quit the alliance. Maulana Sajid Mir has withdrawn his party’s participation. JUI-F and JUI-S are at daggers drawn.

JUI-F itself has further developed differences from within. Hafiz Hussain Ahmed has ‘rebelled’ probably succumbing to JI tactics. Besides, the JUI-F in Balochistan functionally withdrew its support to JUI-F Central in joining the Qazi-led movement against President’s uniform.

Hafiz Hussain virtually ditched Maulana Fazl’s reconciliatory approach to have a peaceful political process in the country. It was the result of those splits with the MMA that the agitation, demonstrations, caravans and long marches ended in a futile exercise, as three parties JUI-S, MJAH and JUP-N were reluctant to join solo flight of JI and JUI-F.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman Curses Jang Group, GEO TV & Ansar Abbasi

The recent resignation of MMA Punjab Secretary General Syed Mahfooz Mashhadi also indicated the rifts within. Mashhadi alleged that MMA president and JI Amir Qazi Hussain Ahmed and MMA Secretary General and JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman have created like-minded people in smaller parties of the alliance to easily impose their decisions.

“JI leaders hold their meetings on behalf of MMA and try to impose their decisions on the other parties. The provincial leadership of MMA was totally unaware about the decisions being taken in Central Shoora meetings of MMA” he said, adding “JI leader Hafiz Idrees who is also the provincial president of MMA did not take the provincial leadership of the alliance into confidence about the decisions of the supreme council of MMA.”

He disclosed that after two years Qazi Hussain Ahmed has now admitted that MMA’s decision about the support of 17th constitutional amendment was wrong.

Senator Maulana Samiul Haq of JUI-S parted ways with MMA due to latter’s role in helping the ruling Pakistan Muslim League in passing controversial 17th Amendment while Markazi Jamiat Ahle-Hadith chief Senator Professor Sajid Mir was also annoyed at MMA president Qazi Hussain Ahmed and Secretary General Maulana Fazlurrehman for passage of amendment.

Both the leaders have been ignoring the supreme council meetings of the MMA for a long time due to same reason. A central leader of JUP-N disclosed that small parties of religious alliance had reservation on the decision being taken by the central leadership of MMA.

However he said the central leadership was not bound to inform the provincial leadership about their decisions. According to sources Mashhadi resigned from the post of provincial secretary general due to cold attitude showed by the JI Punjab.

Hafiz Idrees Ahmed of JI was appointed as president MMA Punjab without taking into confidence other smaller parties who could not activate provincial chapter so far.

It is said that JUP-N central secretary general Gen. K M Azhar has constantly been interfering in the matters of JUP-N’s provincial chapter and creating a lobby in the party for not giving an opportunity to Maulana Shah Ahmed Noorani’s son Maulana Anas Noorani to become president of the party.

Anas Noorani was reportedly not willing also because of the MMA leaders’ attitude towards his father.

Anecdote goes that in King Mamoon-ur-Rashid’s era two Hadith tellers once attended a Juma sermon at a mosque near Baghdad where the khateeb was narrating a Hadith, attributed to the Prophet [PBUH], through their source to which both the ravians strongly objected and vehemently denied having said that.

“Get off, you are not the only two with those particular names…there are a hundred Zaids and Bakrs”, was the reply. The Imam got them shunted out of the mosque.

The trend of “barha letay hein zeb-e-dastaan kay liey” goes on non-stop. The Ulema today are being wrongly dubbed as fundamentalists because in the fundamentals of al-Din there is nowhere to have the facts twisted, or utilize the opportunity to one’s own political ends. This is in sheer violation of “Why ye not do what ye do say?”

The bazaar of politics is infested with masquerading and mimicry, somersaults and gimmicks, telling lies and saving skins.

Machiavellian approach continues to prevail upon, come what may. The ulema who have thronged this bazaar are out to ‘Islamise’ the trade of politics to their self-aggrandizement and addiction of ‘leading’ the nation with the interpretations of their deeds on their own.

It is pardonable that some of them opposed the making of Pakistan, pleading that practising Islam needs no ‘independent’ State. But it is not pardonable to continue resisting the fundamental principles of Islam. Farooq Haider Maududi, Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi, Dr Asrar Ahmed and the latest desertion in JI Naeem Siddqui speak volumes while exposing the Jamaat leadership for its somersaults.

Maulana Abul Ala’a Maududi, they say, had asked for not taking part in politics, but the vested interests allured it to low to resort to making headways in the gimmicks, no matter what the means could have been adopted.

Maulana Fazlur Rehman has gone down with the legacy. He justified the “marriages of convenience” with a number of alliances, friends and foes, even PPP.

Though cracks have split the Mufti-legacy today, the “marriage of convenience” goes on as a political norm. When they are asked they say in the religion it is forbidden but politics is something different. The contract of petroleum oil was a convenience and the alliance with the PPP was a marriage.●

© 2005 Alya Alvi