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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pakistan's Coming Collapse

Since last month a growing number of folks in the intelligence community, as well as defense and diplomatic officials, have been coming to the conclusion that nuclear-armed Pakistan will collapse into a region of chaos controlled by Islamic warlords and terrorists. This breakdown of the country will turn Pakistan into a safe haven for al-Qaida, and other terrorist groups. Considering the Nuclear arsenal in Pakistan, this comes as grave news for the West.

A few days ago General Petraeus announced that he believes Pakistan could be a matter of a couple weeks away from collapse, since Taliban fighters have strengthened their grip on northwestern Pakistan, and militants have advanced to within 60 miles of Islamabad.

This is why the Right has been supporting Pakistan's President Musharraf, despite the fact that he was a dictator. Better a hardline dictator with a fairly decent relationship with the U.S. to be in charge of Pakistan, than the Taliban and al-Qaida. Nonetheless, the Left complained about our support for Musharraf, and the Liberals did whatever they could to undermine the relationship George W. Bush had with Pakistan. Obama, in fact, even threatened Pakistan with attack during his campaign as Bush was trying to nurse the relationship in hopes of averting what is happening now from happening.

Now, with Obama's apology tour throughout Europe and the Middle East, as well as his signs of weakness in the eyes of Islamism, we are being surrendered by Obama, and the Islamic terrorists are going to gain control of Pakistan, and possibly unleash the nuclear terror available in that country on Israel, Europe, and possibly elsewhere in the form of nuclear terrorism.

The identity of Pakistan is changing, and the future direction of Pakistan resembles that of Iran after the Islamic Revolution enabled by President Jimmy Carter.

Obama is, then, this generations Jimmy Carter, but worse.

-- Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary

Tough talk on Pakistan from Obama - Reuters, Steve Holland

Obama threatens Pakistan - The International News, Roedad Kahn

Taliban Tighten Their Grip on Pakistan's Northwest - Fox News

Experts predict Pakistan’s collapse - Kansas City Star, Jonathan S. Landay

US general says Pakistan could be just two weeks from collapse - UK Telegraph, Isambard Wilkinson

Taliban Seize Vital Pakistan Area Closer to the Capital - The Dispatch, Jane Perlez

Pakistan’s Islamic Schools Fill Void, but Fuel Militancy - New York Times, Sabrina Tavernise

Strife in Pakistan Raises U.S. Doubts Over Nuclear Arms - New York Times, David E. Sanger

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